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Since retiring as CEO of the Van Oossanen group of companies, our chairman Peter (in Dutch Pieter) van Oossanen has set himself the task of writing a book entitled “The Science of Sailing”. This book will appear in the form of various volumes, each volume addressing a particular theme. 
The first 2 volumes have been completed and can be ordered from www.vanoossanenacademy.nl

The first volume has as a sub-title “The Attainable Speed Under Sail”, while the second volume has the sub-title: “The Origin and Nature of Fluid-Dynamic Lift and Drag”. The third volume will appear later this year (2018) while the fourth volume will appear early next year. 

The third volume is entitled: The Phenomena and Drag Originating from the Boundary Layer”, while the fourth volume is entitled: “The Phenomena and Drag Originating from the Free Surface”.

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